Emergency help and support for you and your dog.
We are here to help. Please don't suffer alone confused, there is always a solution.
After working with dogs for many years, a lot of them rescue dogs, I have come across many people who have found themselves in unbearable situations, it may be a relationship breakdown, an illness, a job loss or another difficult personal situation.
I have been a victim of personal circumstances which lead me to make some completely irrational decisions without thinking clearly or speaking to others that can help which lead me to give up a dog and regretted it less than 24 hours later. I deal with people on a weekly basis who either want to give up their dogs or are thinking about giving up their dogs who are going through that initial hell and really need someone to help them see things from a different angle but also need someone who will be a hands on help.
The first thing I tell them is not to do anything they may regret, if only I had heeded my own advice I would still have my dog. Sadly not everyone is able to keep their dogs BUT after talking things through and being given the right time and support, most people actually do end up keeping what is a family member, yes, their dog. I have also found that once people have given up their dog and had time to think about it, they actually realise it's been the wrong decision. Trying to get that dog back once you have handed it over is not all plain sailing I can tell you. I do NOT want people to make the same mistake as I did and the same mistake hundreds of others do and live to regret, so this is why I am setting up a helpline for those very people who need someone to talk to, someone to help them and to give the support who has hands on experience when they truly need it in a time where there seems no end.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in the strictest of confidence, we are here to help at anytime. Stay positive. You can call our support team on,
07858 445 493
Call us in confidence:07858 445 493
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